SERVICESDesign Services

Implementing an advanced device in 2.5D or 3D may involve redesigning an existing chip, creating a custom interposer, or inventing a new chiplet from scratch. That’s where our crack design team comes in. With deep experience in high performance low power applications, they move brilliant ideas into elegant, production-ready circuitry.
  • Project Management
  • System Level Design:
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) systems
    • Custom algorithms
    • Multi-vendor interfaces
    • Architectural definitions and specifications
  • Software Development:
    • Drivers
    • Firmware
    • Embedded system software
    • Operating system customization
  • Hardware Front-End Design:
    • Analog / RF analog / digital / mixed signal
    • Schematic design
    • VHDL / Verilog / SystemVerilog coding
    • Design synthesis
    • Functional verification
    • UVM (universal verification methodology)
    • Logic simulation
    • Formal verification
    • Emulation
    • Test insertion / test pattern generation
  • Physical/Back-End Design:
    • 2.5D interposer design
    • Floor planning
    • Analog / mixed signal layout (custom and auto)
    • Place and route
    • .lib timing models (analog)
    • Timing closure / static timing analysis
    • Physical verification
    • Formal equivalence checking
    • Analog / mixed signal verification
    • Signal and power integrity analysis
    • Post-layout simulation
    • Mask set generation
    • Wafer sort, final test, characterization, and QA test program development
    • Design of burn-in board
    • Load boards, probe cards, socket and package custom tooling
    • Product qualification and characterization
  • Board bring-up
  • Prototype and production
Need more information? Contact us any time.
Need more information? Contact us any time.

Phone: +1 331-701-7070
Fax: +1 331-701-7055

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