Industry NewsSeptember 25, 2017by Editor

Chiplets: like LEGOs for 2.5D integration

With a well-designed interposer, small dies – “chiplets” – could be assembled like LEGOs to create modular computers.  It’s an exciting prospect.  New chiplets could be snapped into a design almost like installing new cards in a desktop PC.  Design cycles would get much shorter and useful chiplets would compete in a very broad market.  The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – DARPA – is investing its considerable influence, time, and organizational skill in a new program called “CHIPS” that aims to bring LEGO-like functionality to 2.5D integration. DARPA says it will take a village: “an enormous village rife with innovators.”  Read about it in TechCrunch: DARPA project aims to make modular computers out of ‘chiplets’

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